Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris JARDINERIA. Mostrar tots els missatges
Es mostren els missatges amb l'etiqueta de comentaris JARDINERIA. Mostrar tots els missatges

25 de març 2016


  1. Create Diversity and Color - Some creatures may be color blind, but not bees. The more color and the wider variety of flowers in your garden, the better. They are particularly fond of blue, purple, yellow, and white flowers.
  2. Use Native Plants - Bees in your area will be most attracted to native plants that they are familiar with. Mix a few in with your favorite ornamentals. Contact your local nursery or independent garden center, your state's Native Plant Society, or your local Cooperative Extension office for a list of native plants for your area.
  3. Plant Flowers in Clusters - Larger groupings of flowers (instead of sporadically spaced single plants) attract more bees. Even if you only have a small garden area or a few containers to plant in, it will be beneficial to local foraging bees.
  4. Plan for a Succession of Blooms - Plant some flowers that bloom in spring, some in summer, and some in fall. That will provide food for the bees over a long period of the year.
  5. Plant in Sunny Areas - Bees prefer to forage in sunny, protected areas where they won't be bombarded by wind. Sunny spots produce the most prolific flowers as well.
  6. Put Flowers in the Vegetable Garden - If you intersperse some flowers that bees love with your veggies, it will help increase pollination of your vegetables for a better crop.
  7. Allow Some Vegetables and Herbs to Bolt - Leaving a few vegetables and herbs in the garden in the fall will allow them to flower and provide late season food for bees.
  8. Garden Organically - Use non-toxic forms of pest control. Traditional pesticides may kill beneficial insects like bees and butterflies.


26 de desembre 2015



 Que la población de abejas está disminuyendo es una de esas noticias que regularmente oímos en los informativos, pero que quizás no seamos muy conscientes de su trascendencia, es casi una noticia de las de "relleno en verano". Sin alarmarnos, pero es hora de ayudar un poco en la concienciación de que estamos ante una cuestión seria y que no se trata solo de la miel... sin abejas no hay tampoco otras muchas cosas como manzanas, fresas, pepinos, berenjenas...etc.

y sobretodo a contaros que es muy fácil poner remedio a este problema entre todos los amantes de las plantas. ¡Como para no hacerlo, si polinizan el 80% de nuestras plantas!

24 de setembre 2015